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时间:2011-09-22 07:18:00  作者: 老成  热度: 477
这几年(中英文对照) 很好 豪杰们到齐了 有些已经退席 有些跃跃欲试 这很好 说怪话的人不自信 不安份 不痛快 不讨别人喜欢 不讨自己喜欢 随他去 何苦? 这几年 大家吃了不少苦 享了一些福 见了一点世面 看见了 又失去了 这几年 These years ——Translated by the writer himself Good Great people are all here Some have left Some are eager to try It’s good Cynical guys are not confident They want to change But not determined yet They are not attractive to others Even not to themselves Why? Forget it These years We have had hard time Together with some good time We saw miracles We did but we lost I mean in these years