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时间:2011-12-03 23:16:22  作者: 老成  热度: 957
如是(中英文对照版) 不是来叫人爱你 我是来叫你爱人 不是来教你攀爬上去 我是来教你放低身段 不是赞美今天现在的你 我赞美的是你的转变和悔恨 不是要给你很多钱 你本来就是大富翁 我不是要给你很多欢乐 是来打开你欢乐的阀门 我不是要把你带到天堂 是来告诉你你本来就是 活在一场飘逸和虚空 Like this I will not ask people to love you I come to ask you to love people I’m not going to help you upgrade your class I come to bring you humble spirit I will not praise you today I will praise your change and surrender I’m not bringing you a lot of money You are already a billionaire I’m not bringing you a lot of satisfaction I come to open your house full of joys I’m not going to bring you to heaven I come to tell you that you are already living In a purple and spiritual peace right now