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campus life

时间:2006-12-20 10:23:02  作者: 瑞歌  热度: 1353
Early in the morning, I wake up, lie on the bed, look forward to a good day; I get up, go out for a walk in the campus, with my favorite book of English lyrics; The sun hasn’t risen, the wind blow mildly, as a soft hand touching your face; I walk slowly, to the beach of the river, I see the fish are breathing casually, and the tree try to reach out its branches to the surface of the river, up and down. I read the poets loudly, they show me more about human affection, And they remind me the bonds between nature and human. Here comes an old man, with a little girl in his arm, Look at that happy little girl, I recall my childhood, a bitter one. The girl gives me a sweet smile, and I smile back. I wish one day my daughter would have a happy childhood, not like her mama’s. I work hard, for a brighter future; I live optimistically, for future happy life. Everything is so good, I compliment life from the bottom of heart. 校园生活 清晨醒来,我躺在床上,期待美好的一天; 起床后,带着我最喜欢的英文抒情诗, 在校园里漫步; 太阳还未升起,风儿温柔地吹着, 像一只柔软的手抚摸你的脸; 我慢慢地走,来到河岸边, 看到了鱼儿在自由地呼吸, 河边的树伸长了它的枝条, 去够那水面,上下起伏; 我大声地朗读那些诗, 它们向我展示了更多的人类情感, 它们也提醒了我人与自然的密切联系; 一个老人走了过来,怀抱小女孩; 看着那个幸福的女孩, 我想起了自己的童年,苦涩的童年; 我希望有一天,我的女儿也能有一个幸福的童年, 而不是像她妈妈那样; 我勤奋耕耘,为了有更光明的前途; 我乐观生活,为了将来能有幸福生活; 一切都是那么美好, 我由衷地赞美人生。